Victoria Road Surgery

Adult Social Services

You can contact adult social care services and support online:

WebsiteAdult Social Services


Emergency telephone: 0121 303 1234

Birmingham Carer Hub

Forward Carers is a West Midlands based carer support service, here to make a real difference to the lives of people caring for an elderly frail, sick or disabled family member. Our aim is simple – to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of carers, young and old, including parent carers, so that families stay healthier and happier together, for longer.

Telephone: 0333 006 9711


Website: Birmingham Carer Hub

Selly Oak Live at Home Scheme

This scheme enables older people to stay living independently in their own homes for as long as possible, with the best possible quality of life.

Website: Selly Oak Live at Home

Handyperson Services

More than 70 local Age UKs operate handyperson services across much of the country. These services offer older people extra help with small practical jobs to make their lives easier and safer around the home.

Telephone: 0800 055 6112

WebsiteHandyperson Services (Age UK)

Befriending Service

At Age UK, one of the ways we try to combat loneliness in later life is through our befriending services. We offer 2 different types, Call in Time telephone and face to face befriending.

Telephone: 0800 434 6105

Website: Age UK/Befriending